Random Thoughts: Writer’s Block

Do you ever get halfway through something and just draft it. You’re just not ready to share that story or it isn’t the way you want it? I have had this problem much like everyone of getting stuck on a post. But I have a strict policy to start writing it all over or something new.

I guess that is what I am doing right now lol. Honestly though I find the best way to get rid of writers block is to write. Write about anything. A dream you have always had, a memory that still haunts you or something less hard like what you had for breakfast today. The practice of just breathing and letting something go where it wants to go lets me work through my side thoughts.

But even then that doesn’t always work I start writing and writing and realize I haven’t said anything important. I have to walk away from it and pick it up the next day. I think that is how I feel tonight… This is my fourth draft of something and I just can’t seem to get it the way I want it. I guess if I can manage to say anything of relevance in this entire post it’s that you don’t have to have anything important to say when you write. I realized I was trying really hard to make myself find something interesting to tell you guys and today I just don’t have anything.

If you read through all of this I only hope you won’t see it as a waste of time and maybe as a chance to just go write whatever you want. If you I asked you to write about the first thing you thought of now what would it be?


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